A protocol of cooperation on important issues has been signed between Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University (ALKU) and Alanya Independent Industrialists' and Entrepreneurs' Association (MÜSİAD).
Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University (ALKU) continues to strengthen its strong cooperation with national and international organisations in addition to its academic studies and educational activities. In this regard, a protocol of cooperation has been signed between Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University and Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (MÜSİAD) Alanya Branch on important issues that will greatly benefit the staff and students. The protocol was signed between ALKU Rector Prof. Dr. Kenan Ahmet Türkdoğan and MUSIAD Alanya Branch President Celil Kara at the Rectorate Senate Hall. ALKU Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Atıf Bayramoğlu, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kılıç, Prof. Dr. Oğuz Karahan, MUSIAD Alanya Branch Vice President Hasan Ahlatcı, Young MUSIAD Alanya Branch President Tunahan Karapulat, Young MUSIAD Alanya Branch Board Member Hilmi Çağlar attended the protocol ceremony where mutual signatures were signed. The cooperation protocol between the two institutions covers topics such as vocational and technical education, internships, project studies, consultancy services, R&D, seminars, conferences, fairs and summits.
Expressing that they have signed a very valuable protocol, ALKU Rector Prof. Dr. Kenan Ahmet Türkdoğan said, ‘As ALKU, we are happy to sign a cooperation protocol that further strengthens the bridges between education, science and industry and will provide important opportunities for our students and academicians. Within the scope of this protocol with MÜSİAD Alanya, we plan to carry out a wide range of joint activities from vocational and technical education to internship opportunities, from joint project studies to consultancy services, from R&D activities to seminars, conferences and summits. As a university, we are conscious about the importance of reflecting the theoretical knowledge to the field. At this point, the strong cooperation with MÜSİAD Alanya Branch will provide great contributions to the professional development of our students and will open an important area for us to integrate our academic studies with the industry and business world. I would like to thank MÜSİAD Alanya and our esteemed President Celil Kara for this meaningful cooperation. I wish that our protocol will be beneficial for both our students and our Alanya.’
‘The cooperation protocol will strengthen the strong bonds between the industry, the business world and the academic community, and will be a concrete indicator of university-industry cooperation.’ said Celil Kara, President of MUSIAD Alanya Branch, ‘As MUSIAD, we see supporting the professional development of our young people as one of our most important duties, as well as contributing to the economic and technological development of our country. The signatures we have signed here today will enable our students to establish closer contact with the real sector and prepare them as better educated individuals for the future. We believe that this cooperation with ALKU will provide great benefits. I would like to thank our Rector Prof. Dr. Kenan Ahmet Türkdoğan, our valuable Vice Rectors and everyone who contributed.’